Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Showing some skin

It was the last day of the first week of the Givenchi Skin Expo, and IC-Skins’ penultimate performance at the Givenchi sim. A runway fashion show, with beautiful models walking nakedly up and down the runway, showing off the breathtaking new skins on offer from this talented designer. All around are the style savvy slers, and of course a newspaper reporter with his finger on the pulse, covering the whole shebang. But I never expected to be covering it FROM the runway, dressed in only a thong, with everyone looking up at me.

The reason for my predicament? The designer and force behind IC-Skins, Ina Centaur, who I've known for some time in SL, contacted me half an hour before the show, as one of her models had let her down, and wondered if I'd be so kind as to take off all my clothes, put on one of her skins, and strut my stuff for the viewing public. Never wanting to leave a friend in need, and being in possession of absolutely no shame, I headed on down. I did manage to convince Ina that the sight of my wearing a thong, rather than showing off every part of my manly form, might distract less from the skin I was wearing. After all, the skins do deserve attention. Ina has managed to create skins that take avatar photo realism to a whole new level, and while they may not be what everyone wants to wear, with the desire for a more fantastical look in SL than RL, the skins are truly breathtaking, and will be sure to raise the bar in skin design throughout SL. Just one look at the celebrity skin in the line, a certain Matt Damon (see below), is as near to a perfect digital representation of the person in question as I could imagine. And the non celebrity skins, like the one I was wearing, "Ikem", (Described as "a pianist who dreams with his music. He has soft eyes, and thick emotional eyebrows; he looks almost Eurasian" and as with the other male skins in the line has "pronounced collarbones, hairy armpits, innee bellybutton, round behind, and an explicit tan line.") also carry a breath of reality, with worn hands, rosy faces, freckles, and even the odd minor blemish, just like us rl folk.

Apparently someone was filming the entire event, and the movie will be posted on Ina's website, as soon as it, and the site are ready, so keep an eye out for a chance to see me showing some skin for all to see. Just not mine. ;)

(Thank you to Santanna Surya for assisting me with her photography skills while I was trying to make it up and down the runway)


Trinity Dechou said...

Personally I cannot wait to see the video of you struting your groove thang on a runway.

Miralee Munro said...

Yeah Voodoo, how come you didn't send out a group IM straight away?

Our dark, brooding Voodoo naked in public - now that would have been somethin' to see.