Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Trinity.... Down The Rabbit Hole


Well what a week. Some of you may know that I am estate manager on a friends island, for the rest who didn’t know, you do now! From that island has been born a 2nd island which delivered to us on Saturday.

Oh the excitement so many prims, such expanse of nothingness it was to be embraced with both arms. 65,536 sqm empty and ours for the playing with, well at least for a few hours!

Now when you have an island, either as an estate manager or as owner there are lots of things you need to bear in mind. Renters, look & feel, design, and of course money. Very few of us are in a position to buy an island on a whim and is usually done for a cause therefore it must at the very least break-even.

When our island delivered it was all hands on deck, things to be built and designed, plots to be subdivided. So upon speaking with lady land owner I suggested we enlist the help of a good friend, an intelligent trustworthy lass who knew the ropes and was a seasoned second lifer. Agreed, we called her in. The stress lifted somewhat as she set about making lovely fruity coloured rulers for plots. 4.30am she and I finally gave in and went off to bed having felt we had accomplished a lot and were proud of this.

With very little sleep from the excitement I got up on Sunday morning and logged in to see our lovely little ruled sim. Unfortunately I also received word that our new estate manager had received a 1 day suspension from Linden.

Immediate words of why? How? Why? This pro had been at a club on the mainland who has been suffering drastically from the counter effects of a griefer. She had done her best to defend herself. However Mr Griefer had filled an abuse report and without even so much as a trial she was banned. My estate manager was sent to jail and out of action for 1 day! I now had the interesting task of explaining to lady land owner why my ‘trustworthy’ friend was missing.

Islands are exciting and marvellous things and if you get the chance you should experience being estate on one. However be prepared for the immense lack of sleep and countless amount of stress that you will endure on the initial set up stages…. Oh yes and for god sake make sure your estate managers do not leave the island, its much safer that way!