Friday, June 13, 2008

Styling your Second Life with Firehorse

Styling an avatar for free is easy – and something we have probably all done at one time or another.
Probably we all had a trawl around freebie warehouse and other such giant outlets when we were newbies, and, chances are we ended up with some sad fashion disasters.
Fellow residents, it does not have to be that way!
With a little help, a little inside knowledge and membership of just one group (just one of your oh so valuable group slots), you can save a fortune, try new things and have a huge amount of fun.
Today I am focusing on female avatars – but a lot of the knowledge is transferable to other genders/styles of av.
By no means is this a complete guide but it’s intended to be a good starting point, so if you are new or if you just need an outfit for a fancy dress party join me.
Ladies, your first stop in world should be to Pixel Dolls, find their subscribe-o-matic join, then touch again for history – there is a VIP group gift, crammed full of lovely lovely things, boots, outfits and an absolutely divine, high quality skin in many shades.
Your next move should be to find somewhere quiet and decide which group for freebie hunters you are going to join – personally I love Creamy Cooljokes Freestyle group – as with any freebie group you will get a LOT of notices most days – don’t worry though soon you will be as addicted as I am to just going to look…I don’t care what anyone says – you can NOT have too many clothes.
Once you have done that you need to get yourself down to Free Dove – much respect to the owners – what they have done is just amazing, here you will find freebies gathered from some of the top designers in second life, all under one roof – YES you will have to fight the lag, yes, if you go at one of the peak rush hours you will probably crash and/or freeze but it IS worth it. Here you can find everything from jeans and lovely girly sneakers to elegant Victorian dresses and delicate stiletto shoes. Plenty of jewelry, sexy underwear, skins and a host of shapes too – if you don’t follow any other advice from this article, even if you haven’t picked up a freebie since you were more than a week old, get down to Free Dove and be amazed. Free Dove also have their own group too – if I had more room I’d join (PLEASE LL, more groups, PLEASE).
As you have just crashed from ALL the loveliness you have found at Free Dove open up a web browser or two.
The best way to get a full picture is to jump on the interweb.
First of all if you aren’t already registered at then you should be – here you can send yourself (and others) freebies, you can search by price, and there are some great bargains to be had – after all – you can’t get much cheaper than free.
Your next stop should be a fantastic list of outlets which carry free stuff, many of whom are my favourite stores (if you haven’t been to where Creamy and friends will not only be alerting you to todays best (and usually transient) freebies there are pictures too!
This article was supposed to be a short one – but that isn’t possible – here I have just managed to scratch the surface of what you can get. So if you have something you desperately need but can’t afford to pay for, or can’t find, drop me a notecard, if I can help I will – but seriously – if you follow the advice in this article you will be turned from Cinderella to a princess in just a few tps.