Saturday, June 28, 2008

Styling your Secondlife with Firehorse

This week's article is about none human avs - not tiny, not furry, just not human.
Now before I go into the details the pictures are of me wearing the chocobo from Enkythings and the Beaver from Grndel's Children. Now on with the article.

Gamersbrand feebies have several free avs. Various free mech avs for those of you robotically minded. Also a free potato head Av (with full permissions) and a giant eyeball av with full permissions. Here too you can find all sorts of clothes, jewelry and toys for human avs.

Freebie Dungeon has all sorts of great stuff, as well as male and female shapes, clothes and all the usual stuff this store has a box with 13 assorted fantasy avatar shapes ( a nice mix of male and female) and the rather sweet (and readily available from many places). Psyra's triceratops av.

Enkythings is rightly famous for it's high quality dollerbies and freebies (as well as it's more expensive shoes...did I mention I'm a shoe addict?) but I digress here you can find a plethera of wonderful avatars - from south park avatars to darleks - some are free - some are 1 linden.
I have, I admit save the very best until last - Grendel's children have some absolutely fab free avs - some are a whole linden dollar, some are free - all are an absolutely stunning quality. In the picture I am modeling the beaver - but only because it was more fun showing people the beaver than the everso cute (and large enough to be slightly disturbing) ladybug. Ladies - there are hours of purile, childish fun to be had asking random people on your friends list if they want to see your beaver. There are so many free avs scattered around at Grendel's that it would take far too long to list them - but they are all of the high quality that Grendels is rightly famous for. I was lucky enough to meet Flea Bussy when I first came into SL, not only one of the most talented people it's been my pleasure to encounter, but also touchingly kind to a bedazzled newbie and extremely witty. All the staff at Grendel's are blessed with the patience of saints - as long as you are polite and stick to the sim rules they will talk for hours about the avatars and other things they have for sale. These people deserve respect, so please, remember - you might be lost (it's a large place) you might be confused, you may even be a bit freaked out by having a dragon wish you good day or have a horse ask if you'd mind sitting on them so they can adjust their new saddle - but BE POLITE - this is one of the friendliest places on SL, help keep it that way by being nice.