Friday, March 9, 2007


Here is a sampling of some of the male organs that are offered up in SL. You can pay from 0L$ to 1,500L$ if you are so inclined. Below I am sporting the freebie model. No special features or actions, just place and use.
There are so many features you can have in a Penis it is mind boggling! Not having used a SL penis myself, I think I might find the controls and Huds a bit distracting, but that is only my personal opinion.

Well here they are, and if your looking for them, just search 'PENIS' and go see for yourself.

A good marketing name at least!

What more needs to be said?

This one can be chained to various places and there is a slave tag included.

Prices on these three models range from 299L$ to 599L$.

The Luxor here sports a strawberry tip and what looks like candies around the shank?

This lovely Avatar blocked my view of the 25L$ penis, Oh wll, it wasn't much anyways.

Bryan Dix Reporting