Friday, January 11, 2008

Why Do You Need To See My Underwear?

I had a party to go to. I was shopping for an outfit. Costume actually as it was the Pirate themed party at Metamorphosis, and I must have gone to 12 stores looking for something to wear. At five minutes before the party started, I ended up at my favourite goth store and went right to the men's section for a coat. Why the men's? Because every store I had gone to had women's clothes that didn't cover much of anything. There are hundreds of stores in sl that carry clothes, why is it almost all of them think a skirt is the same size as a belt? More often then not, I find myself as of late buying items that are suppose to be "Mens" because I am just tired of seeing 400Linden price on something that won't pass a PG rating. My best friend in SL told me one afternoon while I was cooing over a red lace men's outfit wishing it came in women's to just get it; "unlike rl in sl one size really does fit all." Well, yes and no. One size might fit all shapes, but that doesn't mean one style will fit all tastes. For those of us who want to dress sexy and still keep our bodies covered, please give us more choices.

photo by reporter Dashwood Dayafter